Care with heritage and heart

Drymmau Hall is built on a continuing history of family values and family connections. At the heart of this is the Valler family’s ethos, who set down their role as custodians of care. Today, the acknowledged care Drymmau Hall offers the people who call it home, is not only testament to the vision of the family, but to the extended family of staff who strive to develop the home in ways that are proven to matter to those they care for.

Drymmau Care Home - Lizzy and Tim owners in the vegetable garden

Family foundations – experience, expertise and dedication

In 2001, Rosina Valler brought her wealth of experience and passion as a nurse across multi-settings to the new stewardship of Drymmau Hall. In 2008, her son, Tim joined her after deciding to dedicate his life to care rather than continue his degree in Medical Genetics. The family commitment and involvement was completed in 2016, when daughter, Lizzy, brought her degree in Physiotherapy and experience of  years working in the NHS, to develop an area of health and wellbeing that really mattered to her.

Drymmau Hall Care Home - Leaf logo

“We are feeling positive about the future after recent recognition of excellent wellbeing in our Inspection Report from the Care Inspectorate Wales.”

Tim & Lizzy Valler – Owners & Managers Drymmau Hall

Person-centred care – choice and voice

At Drymmau Hall, we strive to ensure that all the people living within the home have a voice that is heard and can make choices that are acted upon. While daily routine gives stability, our structure is not rigid. We promote and support choices in the moment so people are supported to make decisions that affect their daily lives and make them happy. Dignity and respect for those we care for are at the heart of this approach, as is every individual being fully involved in their own personal care.

Building connections – compassion and community

At Drymmau Hall, we know that warm and sensitive interactions with those we care for build trust. Trust is the bedrock on which our people can feel cared-for and confident to develop connections with the staff and the wider community. We encourage people to build new friendships, maintain family relationships, and, importantly, to connect with their personal motivations and explore meaningful occupations and activities that foster self-fulfilment and personal growth.